How to use Landerino

This is how you use Landerino

You convey your message with a solid and proven framework

Your core features

Here you list your idea's main values and ideas

Hilight the pain point

Stress a pain point and make the problem clear

List your core values and benefits

Why you should do it too

Differentiate yourself

Change the perspective and reposition the competition

Your links

The traffic signs at your square in the internet

  • Link to your social media
  • Open directions to an address
  • This button to sends an email
  • Call to action

    The action you ultimately want the user to perform

    Text paragraphs

    A simple, yet effective text paragraph

    For some concepts, a header and a simple text are not enough to explain yourself, this is why we created the paragraph component. It allows you to take your time and explain things a little more in detail. We are sure you are going to like it.

    A hilighted moment

    The image component allows you to share a moment in time

    A hilighted moment


    A catalog where you can list and sell your items



    The quickest description of your product


    Buy now


    Text that lets you know more


    Buy now


    An unmissable feature of this product


    Buy now

    Customer testimonials

    What customers are saying about you in their reviews

    Marco Balestrati

    Marco Balestrati

    This idea changed my life!

    Janette Miro

    Janette Miro

    Amazing experience, highly recommend!


    Some of the brands that already trust us

    Collaboration with brandCollaboration with brandCollaboration with brand

    Frequently asked questions

    To present the most likely scenarios and questions